Code Fellows 401
Day 37 Notes
ES6 Overview
ES6 Syntax and Feature Overview
React - Hello World
React - JSX
React - Rendering Elements
React - Components & Props
React - State & Lifecycle
React - Handling Events
Tailwind CSS
Utility First CSS
Tailwind in 15 minutes
Learn Next.js
Why to use Next.js
Things I want to know more about
Benefits of Next.js:
- Server-side rendering (SSR) out of the box
- Automatic code splitting for improved performance
- Built-in CSS and Sass support
- Easy integration with APIs and other backends
- Fast development with hot reloading
- Automatic optimization for slower network connections
- Support for environment variables and custom configuration
- Built-in security features, such as protection against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
- Community-driven and actively maintained, with a growing ecosystem of plugins and tools
- Supports TypeScript, making it easy to add type checking to your code.