Code Fellows 401
Day 32 Notes
DRF Permissions
Review SQL Prework
Bookmark and Review
Classy Django REST
DRF Generic Views
Things I want to know more about
- Django Rest Framework provides built-in permissions for controlling access to views.
- Permissions can be set globally or per-view.
- There are several built-in permission classes, such as IsAuthenticated, AllowAny, and IsAdminUser.
- Custom permission classes can be created by subclassing BasePermission.
- Permission classes can control access to views by denying or allowing requests based on the user’s authentication status and other attributes.
- Permissions can also be combined using permission classes such as IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly.
- The permission class can be set in the permission_classes attribute of the view or viewset.
- The DRF documentation provides detailed examples and explanations of using and customizing permissions.