
Code Fellows 201

Day 01 Notes


Getting Started

  1. Compose a short poem describing how HTTP sends data between computers.

telnet 80

Once this is done and the communication is established, type the following HTTP message quickly (before the connection automatically closes), then press enter/return twice:

GET / HTTP/1.1


This message specifies:

GET: That we wish to GET a representation of information.

/: That the information we want to get at is stored at the root of the site.

HTTP/1.1: We are speaking using HTTP version 1.1.

Host:: I’m trying to reach a specific site. the name of the site is

  1. Describe how HTML, CSS, and JS files are “parsed” in the browser.

  2. How can you find images to add to a Website?

  3. How do you create a String vs a Number in JavaScript?

  4. What is a Variable and why are they important in JavaScript?

Introduction to HTML

  1. What is an HTML attribute?

  2. Describe the Anatomy of an HTMl element.

  3. What is the Difference between <article> and <section> element tags?

  4. What Elements does a “typical” website include? How does metadata influence Search Engine Optimization? How is the HTML tag used when specifying metadata?


How to start to design a Website.

  1. What is the first step to designing a Website?

  2. What is the most important question to answer when designing a Website?


  1. Why should you use an <h1> element over a <span> element to display a top level heading?

  2. What are the benefits of using semantic tags in our HTML?

What is JavaScript?

  1. Describe 2 things that require JavaScript in the Browser?

  2. How can you add JavaScript to an HTML document?